The test here is to look at the white rail through the window - it should be perfectly white without any interruptions. ATI fails the test but NVIDIA passes it.

Hold mouse over image to see NVIDIA's Image Quality

This next scene is particularly bad:


Hold mouse over image to see NVIDIA's Image Quality

And both contenders do particularly bad in it.

While it would seem that both ATI and NVIDIA do rather similarly in the next test below, Rachel's shirt is a great de-interlacing benchmark. The shirt should only have horizontal lines, but on ATI's GPU there are vertical artifacts caused by de-interlacing. Chalk up another win for NVIDIA.

Hold mouse over image to see NVIDIA's Image Quality

Our final Friends test gets a pass from both contenders:

Hold mouse over image to see NVIDIA's Image Quality

DVD Playback Quality (continued) HD Decode Performance
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  • Novaoblivion - Monday, December 20, 2004 - link

    This is pretty interesting and since I already bought the Nvidia DVD Decoder I can upgrade to this new version if the link on Nvidia's site ever starts working lol.
  • jonny13 - Monday, December 20, 2004 - link

    "Considering that PureVideo came as a free feature on GeForce 6 cards"

    How is paying $20 for the damn codec free?

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