Alan Wake, a psychological action-adventure thriller, is a game that many people have been looking forward to for a long time. Even though information about the game remains scant (despite a few major previews over the years), anxiety about what developer Remedy Entertainment has been up to has not gone away. The initial trailer that was made public at the time of the game's announcement in May of 2005 portrayed a desperate man who encountered what can be either supernatural beings or government agents. While some may refer to the two as one in the same, there's no doubt that strange happenings will be the center of this much-anticipated title. Alan Wake will be released on the Xbox 360 and Windows platforms, and one of its claims to fame is that it will fully support multi-core (at least quad-core) processors. The big question is, when will it arrive? Although information about the game may be better described as under wraps rather than missing in action, its progress continues to remain a mystery.

This screenshot may give many gamers the quick impression that Darkest of Days is just another wartime shooter, but it most assuredly is not. In fact, the Civil War era shown here is only one of a series of time periods your character will visit over the course of the game. However, it is a first person shooter, though it's centered on time travel. The premise of the game involves your character being sent back in time to alter some of humanity's most pivotal events for the better in an attempt to change the world.
While screens depicting some of the other time periods would be interesting to see, only a few depicting the Civil War period were released when the game was announced in July of last year. This of course may have been representative of the fact that the game wasn't very far into the development process. Whatever the case, developer 8Monkey Labs has done nothing to promote the game in over a year, save for some blog posts that tout the revamping of their site. PC and Xbox 360 are the intended platforms.

Announced in July of 2006, Cipher Complex was touted as an action game for the conspiracy-minded gamer. Players will join agent John Cipher as he infiltrates a group of rogue agents who have destroyed one the US government's recon satellites. Apparently, the conspiracy lies with those involved whose agenda for taking out the satellite is nothing short of earth shattering. Gamers can expect a sufficient amount of gunplay in Cipher Complex, along with a heavy focus on stealth and fighting. Originally targeted for a 2007 release on the Xbox 360 and PS3, Cipher has gone dark after only a few updates about its progress, the last of which occurred one year after the game was announced. In fact, with the official site currently showing no details, we're not too hopeful that this game will see the light of day. If you're interested, keep an eye on developer Edge of Reality.

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firstpersonpooper - Wednesday, July 2, 2008 - link
Wow. Today's big money games are seriously lacking in the originality department. It's becoming and epidemic. Look at these. Anyone can poop out a game like this, call it "Space Marine Assault War 2008" and as long as it looks pretty everyone will love you for it. I'm so tired of seeing a prettier version of the same game over and over and over again.Great graphics don't make a great game. Expect better.
CZroe - Sunday, June 29, 2008 - link
I was hoping to find info about that old "Dreadnought" 64-bit game demo AMD released (developed by Torc Interactive). It was a very interesting tech (physics, design, and visuals) for an FPS at the time and they clearly had "retail product" aspirations.http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=6...">http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=6...
GTVic - Friday, June 27, 2008 - link
Change the name to Chubby Rain...araczynski - Friday, June 27, 2008 - link
i only recognized one or two of those, but didn't care about any of them, so...JasonMick - Friday, June 27, 2008 - link
From way back in 1995... Ascendancy II.For those who played Ascendancy by the Logic Factory you know it to be perhaps the greatest space strategy of all time, with beautiful graphics and great gameplay (only lacking in AI a bit, which was remedied with a patch).
In 98 the Logic Factory, a small dev house released the Tone Rebellion, which was also well received, but not quite as grand.
They were supposed to then be working on a secret 3D engine project for an MMO game. They said they had sunk millions into producing the engine, but nothing ever was released.
Then came rumors starting around 2001 that a sequel to Ascendancy with shiny graphics, etc. was plan. The few die hard fans of Ascendancy (like myself) were thrilled.
No news came the next year, the year after that,etc. Then in 2006/2007, some German language websites claimed to be emailed by the logic factory, which said itd be releasing the game FINALLY in 2007. But it never came.
To this day I've not heard definitively what happened to the Logic Factory OR Ascendancy II, and I've read a lot of fan communities.
Thats my best MIA story...
2coors - Friday, June 27, 2008 - link
what about guild wars 2 i havent heard anything about this game for a while now, at least a year....johnsonx - Thursday, June 26, 2008 - link
This seems a perfect time to bring up RyderMark; there was supposed to have been a game being developed using the same 'engine' as the benchmark. To this day, AFAIK, F(r)uad still maintains that Rydermark was real, so we should have the benchmark and game by now right?Then again, I don't know of any game that you can play using Photoshop!
Pyrokinetic - Thursday, June 26, 2008 - link
Where the heck is Starcraft II? There are rumors hinting at Christmas '08, but I'll believe it when I see it.phrizzo - Thursday, June 26, 2008 - link
Speaking of M.I.A. games, how about Diablo 3? I remember hearing that it would be out in 2005, then 2006, then ... nothing! What's up with that?7Enigma - Sunday, June 29, 2008 - link
Check out Gamespot. They have a 20min video showing 2 of the character classes (barbarian and something resembling the necro/druid class). Graphically it looks VERY nice, lots of cool lighting, destructible environments, and good shadows. Best thing about this is you know it's the GAMEPLAY that matters with any Blizzard product. I doubt we'll see it before summer/fall of 2009, but it's definitely in production.